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CU Denver Bee Project

Creating a Sustainable Space for Bees through Science

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The CU Denver Bee Story

The CU Denver Bee Project began in May 2016 with a 20-hive apiary located on a farm in Wheat Ridge, CO. In March 2017, the honey bees were relocated to the CU Downtown campus to shift the focus of research to the urban environment. They are now housed on the rooftops of the CU Student Commons and City Heights buildings, located near Speer and Larimer Streets. Additional research apiaries are maintained in Littleton and Centennial, CO.

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are generally docile and will not harm humans unless provoked. Many native bees, which are often mistaken for flies, hornets, or wasps, do not sting at all. Unlike native bees, honey bees are domesticated animals, similar to chickens, and can be managed in urban backyards to help people connect with the environment. However, honey bees are not native to North America. Fossil evidence shows Apis species existed in Nevada 15 million years ago, but the honey bees we know today were introduced to the U.S. in the 1620s. Because many agricultural crops (most of which originated in Europe and Asia) require honey bee pollination, a large number of colonies are needed to support agriculture. When the bee industry experiences significant losses, as it has in recent years, the impact extends to food supply.

In the mid-2000s, the term Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) emerged to describe the suite of diseases and environmental stressors affecting honey bee colonies. These factors have doubled the average colony mortality rate in the U.S., giving rise to the “Save the Bees” campaign. However, this movement often misconstrues what needs to be saved and why. For instance, maintaining honey bees in urban areas for non-agricultural purposes is a hobbyist activity, not a conservation effort, and it can sometimes harm native ecosystems. In cities like Denver, where resources for pollinators are scarce, improperly managed honey bee colonies can exacerbate bee diseases and negatively impact local ecosystems.

Colorado is home to approximately 950 native bee species—nearly 25% of all bee species in North America! These native bees are vital pollinators of the region’s flora and are often more effective than honey bees. Most native bees are solitary, nesting in the ground or small cavities. Creating habitats such as bee houses and planting native pollinator-friendly plants can help these species thrive in resource-limited urban environments. In contrast, honey bees are social insects that live in colonies of up to 100,000 individuals and can easily outcompete native bees and other pollinators if not carefully managed. Even in Europe, where honey bees are native, they can overpopulate and deplete resources. Poorly managed honey bee colonies in Colorado can contribute to the decline of native pollinators, which are already facing threats from environmental changes and human activities.

The CU Denver Bee Project aims to balance the needs of honey bees and native pollinators through education, research, and sustainable practices.

Project Goals:

  1. Research: Study beekeeper practices, bee health, and foraging patterns in urban and suburban environments.

  2. Pollinator Dynamics: Investigate interactions between native pollinators and honey bees to better understand their ecological balance.

  3. Education: Teach CU students, staff, and the broader community about the interdependence of pollinators and human food systems. Model best practices for managing honey bee hives in populated areas along Colorado’s Front Range.

  4. Collaboration: Partner with university, public, and private organizations to promote sustainable honey bee management and food production.

  5. Environmental Monitoring: Utilize honey bees as bioindicators to measure environmental contaminants, such as heavy metals and chemicals.

Through these efforts, the CU Denver Bee Project strives to promote sustainable urban beekeeping while safeguarding native pollinators and their habitats.

Disclaimer: The project is not a club or student organization, we do not do rooftop tours for liability reasons, and we do not sell honey. There are typically work study positions available each year to help with the bees and get involved in the project. You need to be a CU Denver student.  There are no volunteer opportunities due to liability.  There is a class run through CU Denver on bees called Beeography (GEOG/ENVS 4750/5750) . We hold bee informational booths in the warmer months of the academic year where we give away honey for donations to the project.  If you want to keep up-to-date on our events, subscribe below and/or join us on Instagram.


Google Earth image showing Student Commons and City Heights buildings on Auraria Campus.


The fun part

Resource availability for bees along a urban-wildland gradient (in progress)

Bee Hives on the roof of Auraria Campus buildings

We are examining pollen coming into hives along a urban to wildland gradient to determine foraging patterns as they relate to human land use in the Denver metro area. Using high resolution remote sensing data to identify key bee plant species and then comparing this with pollen abundance coming into the hives we can estimate the availability of resources along the gradient.

Beekeeping practices and colony health on the Front Range (in progress)

Beekeepers examining a hive board

The beekeeper’s worst enemy is the bee mite, Varroa destructor, which carries a range of diseases that can result in honey bee diseases and even colony death if not properly managed and treated. Urban beekeeping has exploded in Denver; yet, many novice beekeepers are unaware that Varroa infestations in a single hive can contribute to a large-scale “epidemic” by spreading mites between urban and commercial beehives. We will be conducting a survey of beekeepers in the Denver metro area to learn about how they keep bees, their struggles and their view of bee health.

Bee diversity and abundance along an urban-wildland gradient

A collection of pinned Colorado bees.

How well do bee populations fair in a semi-arid urban environment such as Denver? What MS Environmental Science graduate, Kristen Birdshire, found in her thesis research was a decrease in both abundance and diversity with increasing impervious surface. However, where there were islands of bee-loving plants bees thrived. So dig up the pavement and plant flowers and trees!

Go with the Flow?!

Beekeepers attending a hive in a grassy field.

In 2015, a crowdfunding campaign raised over 12 million dollars to support a new beehive construction called the Flow hive.  The new hive frames allow honey to be harvested directly ("honey on tap") from the hive with little disturbance to the bees. The inventors claim the method is less stressful on the bees and increases honey production. Yet, no research is available to substantiate the claims.  We compared the Flow and traditional Langstroth hive constructions to determine if there were any significant differences in bee health, honey production, foraging patterns, and maintenance of the hive. Flow hives produced half the honey of the traditional construction, took more time all around, and had fewer mites and heavier brood boxes. Pollen abundances were different between hive types; however, bee microbiome communities were similar.

Pesticides, Bees, & Human Health


Pesticides are a big problem for bee and human health. From widespread aerial applications and drift of pesticides in rural agricultural landscapes to homeowners use of them to save their roses from Japanese beetle outbreaks each summer, we are experiencing significant impacts on our research hives.

Pollen Atlas (in progress)

Microscopic view of pollen grains

Pollen and herbarium specimens for different plant taxa in Colorado

Christy Briles

Dr. B grew up on a small farm on the rural western slope of Colorado. While the farm never had bees, her interest in pollen drew her into the bee world. With the help and training from some community beekeepers, and some very keen students, the CU Bee Project was born in 2015.

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©2020 by CU Denver Bee Project.

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